New Narratives of the Middle Ages

So, What Now?

As we've explored the topic of race in the medieval period, needless to say, there are devastatingly large amount of blank spaces where narratives against people of color have been shared.

In the many holes we've come across, we have also allowed for these narratives and understandings to take precedent.  

So, what now? Use your platforms to amplify our new narratives, and open the possibilities! Explore research and projects within your field by and for Black, Indigenous, and other people of color. 

Use your platforms to connect with new scholars leading conversations that can join in anti-racism within your field and promote that advocacy. 
Share these scholars! Scholars of color exist everywhere, and they are discussing the importance of great things in their fields. 

We've heard enough about people of color from white-washed subjects and fields. In this increasingly colorful world, the voice of people of color must be heard, amplified, and echoed. 

In the spirit of amplifying work for/by people of color, check out this bibliography I have created as the final element of this project. Go forth fellow scholars of color
and explore new narratives!

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